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Another cat on crate rest....

ANOTHER CAT ON EIGHT WEEKS CRATE REST A stray entire male cat was seriously injured today. He was running away from another Tom and got distracted. In seconds he was knocked down by a car. His injuries will heal, but this could have been prevented. This was yet another cat who might not be in this sorry situation had he been neutered. Being an entire male his risks were far greater than his neutered counterpart. If he’s LUCKY he won’t test positive for FIV. The rescue world is at CRISIS POINT. These cats shouldn’t have to rely on LUCK. YOU can make sure their life isn’t focused around survival of the strongest. Please help RIGHT NOW by neutering YOUR cats. If you are struggling to get your animals neutered, please reach out - there are organisations that can help. YOU have a choice. You can help or you can ignore the plight of rescuers trying to manage this desperate situation. We are not NATIONAL RSPCA, we are a small team of volunteers who are committed to promoting animal welfare in YOUR community. We are RSPCA Milton Keynes and North Bucks.


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