Milton Keynes & North Buckinghamshire
Registered charity number: 275415
Report Animal Cruelty
0300 1234 999
Text RSPCAFIVE to 70450 to Donate £5
Text RSPCATEN to 70450 to Donate £10
Text RSPCAFIFTEEN to 70450 to Donate £15
Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message. You will automatically be 'opted in' to hearing more from us.
How you can support your local RSPCA Branch
As a small independent charity we are responsible for raising our own funds locally through the support of the kind members of the public.
Vinted is the newest addition to our online presence, we are regularly updating our page so please keep checking the range of great items we list.
By selling some of our donated goods online, we are able to reach a much wider audience and raise even more money for our Branch.
For the classic, vintage, and unique items that you are unlikely to find on the high-street, then look no further.
Through purchasing an item from our Vinted selection, you will be helping us raise the vital funds needed to provide cats and small animals in the local community when they need it most.
Take a look at some of the amazing items we have - just click on the link!

Shopping online at other stores
Turn your online everyday shopping into FREE donations!
easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.
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