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Sponsor a Cat or Rabbit Enclosure!

We are now able to offer you the chance to help our animals directly by sponsoring an enclosure!


With options starting from as little as £24 a year – just £2 a month, you can help to provide a warm, safe environment for the animals, life enrichment toys and essentials such as food and litter, while we provide the loving care during their stay.


You will be providing all this not just for one animal, but for all those that use the enclosure throughout the year!


Sponsorship Levels

There are three levels to select from:


BRONZE - £2 a month

SILVER - £4 a month


GOLD – £100 a year




Bronze sponsorship is available for our cat 'holding' pens. This is where the cats come when they first arrive, so they can be regularly assessed, especially if they have additional health requirements. It’s just £24 a year or £2 a month. Once you have set up your donation you will receive a personalised 'Thank You' certificate.



Silver sponsorship is available for either cat or rabbit enclosures. It’s £48 a year or £4 a month. Once you have set up your donation you will receive a personalised 'Thank You' certificate.

An acknowledgement of your generous sponsorship will be displayed on the enclosure.



Gold sponsorship is also available for cat and rabbit enclosures. It’s £100 a year. Once you have made your donation you will receive a personalised 'Thank You' certificate.

An acknowledgement of your generous sponsorship will be displayed on the enclosure - this can also be customised to include a company logo or photo and a personal message of your choosing*. 


*subject to branch approval


Ways to Pay 


Make your payment securely using a bank card. (You do not need to set up a Paypal account).

Bank Standing Order or Cheque (by Post)  

If you would like to post a cheque or set up a standing order through your bank then please select this option.

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